Birthmarks & Benign Skin Growths

Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Our Patient: Before & AfterA combination treatment plan was created for this patient utilizing both the Vbeam and M22 to significantly improve a port wine stain birthmark (nevus flammeus). Birthmark Removal & Benign Skin Growth TreatmentsBirthmarks & other skin growths such as acrochordons (skin tags) & seborrheic keratoses (liver/age spots) are harmless…

Surgical & Wound Scars

Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Scar Before and After Pictures Burn scars treated with Spectra laser *actual DLVSC patient | Disclaimer: Results may vary and are not guaranteed. Scars and Surgical WoundsSurgical wounds & scars are often a nuisance, especially those that are raised and/or a different color from their surrounding skin. At your…


Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Acne Treatment Before and After *actual DLVSC patient Acne Treatment in Charlotte, NCAcne is an extremely common skin concern that affects people of all ages & skin types. In addition to more conventional treatments, such as topical & oral prescriptions, we also offer a variety of device-based procedures that can…

Wrinkles & Volume Loss

Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Our Patients: Before & After Wrinkles and volume loss are easily among the top ten cosmetic skin concerns that our patients ask us about. Like it or not, our skin starts showing its age over time because of several factors such as sun damage accumulation and genetics. Meanwhile, collagen,…

Tattoo Removal

Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Tattoo RemovalIt has been estimated that over 45 million Americans have at least one tattoo and a growing percentage of this group reports a desire to remove their ink. Without a doubt, the easiest method for tattoo removal is a series of laser treatments. However, the reality of laser…

Facial Redness & Veins

Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Rosacea, Facial Redness & VeinsRosacea, broken capillaries/blood vessels, venous lakes, port-wine stains, & facial redness are among some of the numerous vascular disorders of the skin that we treat at DLVSC.  At your consultation visit, we will create a tailor-made treatment plan from our large selection of FDA-approved laser…

Neck Fat & Laxity

Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Neck Treatment Before and After Pictures *actual DLVSC patient | Disclaimer: Results may vary and are not guaranteed. Neck Liposuction + Skin Tightening | *actual DLVSC patient Submental (Neck) Liposuction | *actual DLVSC patient | Disclaimer: Results may vary and are not guaranteed. Liposuction of the Submental (Neck) Region…


Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Melasma is a skin condition that is most frequently found in women. Melasma typically appears in the form of brown-colored patches on the forehead, upper lip, cheeks, nose and chin and is easily exacerbated by sun exposure. People who have been diagnosed with melasma often find it to be…

Unwanted Fat

Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Our Patient: Before & After Treatments for unwanted fat have become increasingly popular in recent years. Fortunately, the rising demand for these treatments has also fueled the creation of more effective, non-invasive procedures. Here at DLVSC we offer several options for fat reduction, each having proven to be successful across…

Unwanted Hair

Cosmetic Concerns & Conditions We Treat Charlotte Laser Hair RemovalAt DLVSC, we believe that having a variety of laser hair removal devices available is what makes us stand apart and gives us the ability to provide you with both safe & effective treatments. It’s impossible to predict exactly how many sessions will be needed to achieve…