Vein Team Nurse

Miranda Rathmann, RN
Hailing from “small town Wisconsin”, Miranda Rathmann is a registered nurse and an active advocate for public health, patient education and wellness. Miranda’s dedication to patient care combined with her years of experience in nursing undoubtedly make her an integral part of our practice.
After joining DLVSC in 2014, Miranda quickly worked her way to the role of Lead Nurse for our busy vein department. When she’s not assisting Dr. Munavalli and Dr. Kosari with medical varicose vein procedures, she also performs varicose vein consultations and sclerotherapy treatments. Lastly, she serves our practice in a broader sense as DLVSC’s OSHA officer.
In her free time, Miranda keeps herself very busy! Her hobbies include yoga, testing new recipes with her husband, gardening, bird watching & paddle boarding.