We recently sat down to chat with a real DLVSC patient who had neck liposuction in July 2019. Keep reading for her candid responses about the experience and view a before & after gallery at the end.
DLVSC: Thank you for agreeing to talk about your experience with us, A.G.! I’d like to start by asking you what your biggest concerns were prior to having your liposuction procedure?
A.G.: Sure, I’m happy to share! So, my biggest concerns? Hmmm, only two things come to mind: pain & results. And honestly, I wasn’t really thinking about pain at first. But then my sister kept asking me about it – which made me worry more. So I called the nurse to talk about it and she went over everything again.
Dr. Gilly had answered my questions during consultation, but talking to the nurse helped too. It’s kinda funny, because after my surgery, the pain wasn’t bad at all! I was a little sore for 2 or 3 days, and I just took Tylenol. My main concern going into it was just the results. I remember asking myself “Will I be glad I did this? Will it be worth it?” That sort of thing.
DLVSC: Your results are really fantastic! Looking back, are you glad you decided to have liposuction? Do you think it was worth it?
A.G: Absolutely. It’s a very personal decision and I’m so happy that I chose to do this for myself! When I came in for my consultation I hadn’t really thought about liposuction. I think I had always associated it with belly fat or thighs and I just wanted to get rid of my double chin. So when Dr. Gilly recommended that I have liposuction, I was intrigued. He talked about how quick the recovery is and how soon you see the results. That appealed to me most of all. And yes, it was worth every penny.
DLVSC: What, if anything, surprised you about your liposuction experience? Do you have any regrets?
A.G.: You mean besides the fact that I should’ve done it ten years earlier? But to answer your question, I think the simplicity of the whole thing was surprising. It was pretty seamless from start to finish. I avoided going out unless I had to for maybe five days? If even that long.
Oh, one other thing. My results kept getting better for a long time! I had pictures taken again after nine months, and it was pretty shocking how much more my skin had tightened up since the beginning of the year.
DLVSC: That’s so great! Thanks again for talking with me today. And thank you for trusting our team to take care of you.
A.G.: You’re welcome! I hope it helps someone else to hear about this from my perspective.
Enjoy these patient before & after photos, featuring a range of liposuction treatments, including neck.
All pictures are of actual DLVSC patients.